In Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises …
‘Tis the season. June is the month when …
Resilient fragility
John Paul Lederach has devoted his life to building peace in places like Columbia and Northern Ireland.
Our first story
Before we create and inhabit the stories of our own choosing, we inhabit the story we are raised in.
Yesterday morning, some people received this blog several hours later than usual.
Fury as a function of learning
Learning can be very upsetting and can set off a lot of negative emotions.
Fika Friday #2
“Wrestling with the Angel” by Naomi Rachel Remen
Freedom, part 4
When it comes to the most important occurrences in religious traditions, …
Freedom, part 3
This week also sees the Christian observance of Holy Week …
Freedom, part 2
Freedom doesn’t always feel that great.