The statue of responsibility

The psychiatrist and existentialist philosopher Viktor Frankl suggested that
So much to love, part 2

If we see ourselves first as public citizens with souls
So much to love, part 1

Culturally, we appear to be committed to an impoverished definition of love:
The value of knowledge

There was a time when humans believed we lived on a flat earth with sky above us.
Getting there from here

When we think about how to travel from where we are to where we want to go
Doing vs. being

My life used to be inextricably bound to a “to do” list.

In her book The Writing Life, American author Annie Dillard asks,
Remembering Forward

Recently, my wife told me about an 11-year old picture Facebook reminded her about:
Of Greyhounds and Rabbits

There are lots of great storytellers out there. The American pastor and Professor of New Testament and Preaching, Fred Craddock was one of them.

We’re inundated with language: social media; advertising; political discourse; entertainment.