It is easy to feel paralyzed by fear, doubt, and a lack of direction.
A lot of men feel serious pressure to perform and provide. But we’re not machines, and, as noble as providing is, it can also become an excuse to play life safe and not become our fullest self.
At Personal Story Coach, we support you in stepping outside of your comfort zone so that you can respond powerfully to the challenges life offers with renewed purpose and vitality for the second half of life with a renewed purpose for the second stage of life.
We help men who feel stuck break free of the BS stories that have been holding them back so that they can embark on the journey of more meaning, connection, and joy in their life.
After almost two decades into my career as a congregational minister, I was discouraged.
Something had been missing in my work for at least a decade. I was good at my job, and had tried everything I could think of to make it fulfilling. Yet none of it really gave me the joy or energy I believed was possible.
My dreams seemed unattainable.
It was as though I had no options.

It was as though I was in a room with a bunch of doors —all of them locked.
I had to just stay in the room,
make the best of it & hope that something would change.
I was losing my grasp on life.
I just kept plodding along.
The things that were life-giving did not feel realistic or viable, and what felt viable was not particularly life-giving.
yet I wasn’t willing to give up on my dream.
Through the next number of months, I had several realizations that changed everything for me:

Storytelling occurs at our most basic experience of navigating the world, yet most of the time, we aren’t even aware of ourselves doing it.

Our ingrained pattern-seeking tendencies often cause us to misjudge our experience and misjudge character, as well as mis-remember events from our past.

This awareness of our habits and patterns creates enough freedom to imagine new stories – new ways of thinking about our experience. And when we change the stories we tell ourselves, we can change the way we see the world and ourselves within it.
Now I’m living my dream of helping men examine the stories they tell.
I’m showing them how to create new and better stories that align with their deepest values.
I’m showing them how to lean into those stories in ways that make their lives better.
Which means I never have to worry about burning out or struggling to find my purpose again.
I want to show you how to transform your feeling of being stuck so that you can release freedom, creativity and renewed purpose for the second half of your life.