
Have you ever thought of yourself as part of a living tool box?


It’s one thing to ponder what it is we’re waiting for.

The comparing mind

Malicious code refers to tiny pieces of code that can wreck computers: viruses, trojan horses, worms, etc. They are introduced to a computer when the user thinks they are doing something else (like opening an email or an attachment, or clicking on a hyperlink) and inadvertently grants access to the malicious code. Once into a […]

Living well

Societies often construct themselves around bad ideas, …


When life inevitably takes us in half a dozen directions all at once, …

Losing well

My friend Peter wrote to me about a recent Psychology Today article …


We have more choices and decisions to make in a day than any other humans in the history of the species.


When I was in elementary school, I was neither athletic nor popular.


We all have them. They may be to charismatic teachers …