Us and them

The stories we tell are frameworks to structure experience.

When my father was born in Minden, Nebraska in 1923 …
Convergence, part 3

In the mingling of the rivers, there are so many stories …
Convergence, part 2

As the river that is a life – a library of tales, fables, myths, legends, poems and narratives of every description – approaches the ocean …
Convergence, part 1

One of the places our stories converge is around loss and grief.

When humans want to make sense of something, we look for the familiar.

When we encounter the universe that is another person, we have a menu of choices of how to respond. Rabbi Ariel Burger observes two challenges with otherness, in the sense that it can be used either as a weapon or a barrier: “we fall into the trap of not listening, [or] we are overfamiliar and […]
The fourth quarter

I’m learning about marketing for my new coaching practice.
Seeing is valuing

If we choose to see the world as the source for whatever we need …
“I have climbed highest mountains”

The Irish rock band, U2, spoke to it for a generation or two of pop music lovers …