The Conscious Men's Mastermind
What is a
A mastermind group is a group of two or more people, who meet on a consistent basis, where every member of the group is committed to the success of every other member in the group. In the Conscious Men’s Mastermind, you will benefit from the education, experience, influence and resources of the others in the group to help you achieve breakthroughs in your life that you never thought were possible.
Doing our own work can be difficult and daunting. We may feel overwhelmed and frustrated. It’s hard to find the courage to confront the emotions and limiting beliefs that prevent us from achieving our goals. It’s not easy to learn effective, useful ways to change our mindset, or work through our limiting beliefs about what is and isn’t possible, and what we can or can’t overcome.
There is something in my personality that is predisposed to wanting to make myself (and the world around me) better. I have learned that is not always a good thing, but neither is it always a bad thing. I’ve been working at my own development for as long as I can remember. There are ways in which I think I’ve made progress, but I also find myself wondering sometimes why I still struggle to be the person I say I want to be.

Why is That?
There are two universal principles that help explain why personal change is difficult (but not impossible!):
Most people assume that knowing something cognitively, or intellectually will automatically transfer into a change in behaviour. It usually doesn’t.
This is certainly true for many men in western societies. When we try to change on our own, we fail to recognize that our species evolved to survive in communities. We are not adapted to thriving on our own.
Do you feel like you need the collective wisdom and support of a group to help you break through the barriers that are holding you back so that you can reach your goals and create the life you want? The power of a mastermind group can be a major catalyst for positive change in your life.
Listen to what group members had to say about their experience.
The Mastermind
I discovered years ago the power of small groups as a pathway to my own healing and growth. While I didn’t have the particular language to identify why these groups are so powerful, I eventually learned that one way to think of it is the mastermind principle.
The mastermind principle is simply that where two or more people come together in a spirit of perfect harmony, where each person is focused towards the success of a definite desired outcome, almost any personal goal becomes possible.
A mastermind group, put simply, is a group of people where every member is committed to the success of the desired outcome of every other member.
One of the reasons that mastermind groups are so powerful is that your life will be the direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group. Every successful person – however that person defines success – got to where they are by following the guidance and advice of someone who went before them, and with the support of many other people, visible or invisible.

Is the Conscious Men's Mastermind
Right for You?
Are you ready to take your personal growth to the next level?
The Conscious Men’s Mastermind is a paid mastermind group designed specifically for those who are dedicated to their own personal growth and development.
To qualify for membership, you must meet the following requirements:
- You must be committed to your own personal growth and development;
- You must be someone who has the desire, capacity and willingness to serve others at the highest level;
- You must be relatively emotionally healthy – our group is not a place for group therapy;
- You must be a life-long learner. Everyone in our group is dedicated to personal (and, if relevant, professional) growth;
- You must be willing to make your bi-weekly mastermind group call one of your highest priorities;
- You must understand that the mastermind group principle is not only about serving you and you must be willing to contribute to the success of every other person in the group.
If you are ready to take your life to the next level, vastly improve the stories you tell yourself and others about your life, and create the future you desire by unlocking the potential for success that awaits you, apply for the Conscious Men’s Mastermind today.