Personal Story Coach helps men improve their mindset


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Thanks to those who took me up on the offer to share some of your principles with me. Here’s what came in today from a couple of readers:


·      Err on the side of generosity

·      I am responsible for the effort…. not the outcome

·      Promote faith, hope and love whenever possible 


I love it! Thank you for taking the time to respond. If I get any more submissions in the next few days, I will post them. Now, on to today’s post …


Last week I introduced you briefly to Personal Story Coach – the latest iteration of my work. Here’s a bit more:


It’s a big project – the culmination of everything I’ve been doing and learning so far. One of those learnings has to do with effective marketing, which is one thing this blog has not been. If my plan for world domination is to come to fruition, it’s time to try something else.


I have never been a big fan of Facebook and spend very little time on it. I liken it to the internal combustion engine: it’s ubiquitous, has produced some good and welcome results, and is also a scourge that’s destroying the planet. I am assured by my high-priced consultant, however, that, when it comes to reaching my target demographic and marketing effectively, there is, alas and alack, no replacement for a Facebook group.


For those of you who are not on Facebook, congratulations! For those of you who are, I welcome you to join me over there. It’s going to have a different feel than the blog and will be much more … markety. (Apologies for the technical mumbo jumbo.) There will be no obligation to purchase the program once it launches; you can just hang out in the Facebook group where I will post regular content.


And, if it’s not your thing, I get it.


The regular readers of this blog are a small group, but you have been tremendous supporters and encouragers. I am truly grateful to you and for you, and gratified that you have found this blog project meaningful in some way. The blog will stay live. Unless you unsubscribe, you will continue to receive content from me – just not daily. If you decide not to follow me to Facebook, please know how much your companionship on this journey over the last year means to me. I’ll post here from time to time to let you know how it’s going.


And for those who are inclined, here’s the link to the Facebook group.


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