Generational time

When it comes to large-scale cultural and social change, the actor and artist America Ferrera says …
The freedom paradox

Freedom parallels money in that people with either too little or too much of it are frequently unhappy.
Hope, part 1

November 1, 1989: the 28-year-old Berlin wall (and the cold war it symbolized) was going to last forever.
Morning paper

This morning’s paper (print and digital) contains a front-page article
Genius Hesitates

“It seems to me …” – Albert Einstein, from the introduction to his article introducing quantum mechanics.

There used to a saying (on bumper stickers, sweat shirts, etc.): “No Fear.”

Once upon a time, there were two seeds that lay side by side in the warm, fertile spring soil.

It’s difficult to take a risk without trusting that the risk will lead us closer to that which we seek.

